Show HN: Hypertest - A test runner for developers with ADHD

Show HN: Hypertest - A test runner for developers with ADHD TL;DR: a test runner focused on making devs w/ ADHD happy. Hello HN! My name is Yuval, a dev with ADHD. I believe there's different design constraints on tooling for devs with ADHD compared to their "normal"counterparts. That's what I'm here to solve. I gathered experiences of other ADHD devs, to summarize: ( ) - Memory: People w/ ADHD have horrendous short term memory (hard to keep grasp of the current *thing/task*) - Distraction: Are easily distracted, tend to fall off the focus wagon easily. - Boring Maintenance: They need and use lists, but are bad at maintaining them. A star would feel awesome (MIT licensed): November 9, 2022 at 10:56PM


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