Show HN: Openlayer – Test, fix, and improve your ML models Hey HN, my name is Vikas, and my cofounders Rish, Gabe and I are building Openlayer: Openlayer is an ML testing, evaluation, and observability platform designed to help teams pinpoint and resolve issues in their models. We were ML engineers experiencing the struggle that goes into properly evaluating models, making them robust to the myriad of unexpected edge cases they encounter in production, and understanding the reasons behind their mistakes. It was like playing an endless game of whack-a-mole with Jupyter notebooks and CSV files — fix one issue and another pops up. This shouldn’t be the case. Error analysis is vital to establishing guardrails for AI and ensuring fairness across model predictions. Traditional software testing platforms are designed for deterministic systems, where a given input produces an expected output. Since ML models are probabilistic, testing them reliably has been a challenge. W...